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StoryWalk® is an innovative and invigorating way for children and adults to enjoy reading and activity together outdoors.

IMG_3017Scott County Library and the Walking Trail Committee are very excited to add StoryWalk® to the Happy Trails Walking Trail located at Palmer Park.  The
StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library.

A STORYWALK is a way to combine physical activity with literacy; this may seem like an odd mix, but it’s an innovative way to get people of all ages out walking while reading children’s picture books. Pages of a book are transformed into signs that are then laid out on a trail inviting families, children, caregivers, teachers and others to follow the path of pages.  The goal of the STORYWALK® is to help build children’s interest in reading while IMG_3012encouraging healthy outdoor activity for both adults and children. STORYWALKS® have been installed in 48 states as well as in the countries of Germany, Canada, England and Bermuda. STORYWALK® aligns perfectly with the philosophy that stresses the vital importance of reconnecting children and the natural world.

Our StoryWalk®  is a self-guided reading adventure!  Follow the 18 stations around the playground trail and its outer trail and enjoy this season’s book and activities!

Our Current StoryWalk®:

grumpy bird book pic



Upcoming StoryWalk®:

bear snores on book cover


Take a Walk with Us!